Screen Cheat Sheet & Quick Reference



Start a new session

screen -S mysession

Start a new session with the name mysession

Ctrl + a :sessionname newname

Rename session to newname

Ctrl + a d

Detach from session

screen -d name

detach a running session

screen -r mysession

Attach to a session with the name mysession

screen -ls

Show all sessions


Ctrl + a c

Create window

Ctrl + a A

Rename current window

Ctrl + a k

Close current window

Ctrl + a \

Close all windows

Ctrl + a Ctrl + a

Last-visited active window

Ctrl + a p

Previous window

Ctrl + a n

Next window

Ctrl + a 0 ... 9

Select window by number

Split screen

Ctrl + a |

Split display vertically

Ctrl + a S

Split display horizontally

Ctrl + a tab

Jump to next display region

Ctrl + a X

Remove current region

Ctrl + a Q

Remove all regions but the current one


Ctrl + a [

Enter copy mode

Ctrl + a ]


Ctrl + a :

Enter screen command

Ctrl + a Ctrl + l

Redraw window


screen --help

Show help

Ctrl + a ?

Show shortcuts